Power Purchase Agreement Checklist

Power Purchase Agreement Checklist: What to Include in Your Contracts

A power purchase agreement (PPA) is a legally binding contract between a renewable energy provider and a buyer, outlining the terms and conditions of the sale of electricity. PPAs are becoming increasingly popular as more organizations seek to transition to clean energy sources. However, like any legal document, there are several important details that must be included in the contract to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with regulations. To help you navigate your next PPA negotiation, we`ve compiled a checklist of key items to consider.

1. Parties involved

Your PPA should clearly state the parties involved in the agreement. This includes the buyer, the seller, and any intermediaries involved in the transaction. Make sure you include their full legal names, addresses, and contact information.

2. Description of the project

The agreement should provide a detailed description of the renewable energy project, including the location, size, and capacity of the facility. This description should also include technical specifications and details about the energy production process.

3. Payment terms

The payment terms in a PPA should outline the price and payment structure for the electricity being sold. This includes the price per unit of energy, the frequency of payments, and any penalties for late payments. It`s important to ensure that payment terms are outlined clearly and in a way that is favorable for both parties.

4. Term of agreement

The term of the agreement refers to the length of the contract. PPAs can last anywhere from a few years to several decades, depending on the project and the agreement reached by the parties involved. The term of the agreement should be clearly stated in the PPA and include provisions for renewals or termination.

5. Performance guarantees

PPAs often include performance guarantees, which outline the expected energy production levels of the renewable energy project. These guarantees help ensure that the buyer receives the agreed-upon amount of energy. The performance guarantees should be included in the PPA, along with details on how they will be measured and enforced.

6. Force majeure

Force majeure events are unforeseeable circumstances that may prevent one party from fulfilling their obligations under the PPA. It`s important to include a force majeure clause in the agreement, outlining which events will be considered force majeure and what the consequences will be if they occur.

7. Insurance and liability

The PPA should include details about insurance and liability. This includes who is responsible for insuring the renewable energy project and what types of insurance are required. Additionally, the agreement should clearly outline liability for any damages or losses that may occur.


PPAs are complex legal agreements that require careful negotiation and documentation. The above checklist provides a starting point for what to include in your next PPA. Ensuring that all relevant details are included in the agreement will help protect both parties and minimize the risk of disputes down the line. As always, it`s recommended to work with an experienced attorney to draft and negotiate your PPA.

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